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The University of Alabama School of Law WordmarkThe University of Alabama School of Law

Faculty Resources

Scholarly Articles


Maybe consider starting with HeinOnline's Law Journal Library. This is HeinOnline's signature collection of more than 3,200 fully searchable, image-based journals, each dating back to the first issue ever published. You can also access a digital collection of all current and historical periodicals from the American Bar Association here, as well as a list of Bar Journals here

Google Scholar, JSTOR and SSRN

Google Scholar, JSTOR, and SSRN are all excellent resources for those looking for articles outside of the legal field. While all three provide access to PDF versions of legal materials, they all also provide access to various other fields, such as literature, biological sciences, economics, and more. For those looking to do research outside of the law, these are excellent places to start. 


Both the Bounds Law Library and the Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library provide access to various databases and materials that cannot be found elsewhere. Don't forget to check out Bounds Law Library's databases to see what services are provided through the library, as well as our large collection of print copies of various journals that we have in our collection. Additionally, remember to also check Gorgas' list of databases for an additional almost 700 databases covering all manner of subjects (including Taylor & Francis), as well as their "Publication Finder," located under the "Research Tools" tab, to search Gorgas' journals and eBook collections.