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Faculty Resources

Bloomberg Law

Bloomberg Law is a subscription-based online legal research service including state and federal primary legal sources. Exclusive content includes Bloomberg publications, legal and business analytics, and a robust federal docket searching and document requesting service. 


To register for access to Bloomberg Law, go to and enter the personal code that was provided to you.

Follow the on-screen prompts to register, including entering your official law school email address and your school affiliation.

After registration, you will receive an email with an activation link to verify your email address. Once you have clicked that link, you will receive an email with your username and temporary password. After that, you can log into Bloomberg Law and start researching. 

Need a registration code?

If you do not have an access code, contact a reference law librarian at the circulation desk at the law library or email a reference librarian for assistance obtaining a new one. 


For technical assistance, email Nick Jeon or contact the 24/7 Help Desk at 1 (888)-560-BLAW (2529) or

Subscribing to Bloomberg Newsletters

Once you have signed up for Bloomberg Law as described above, you should be taken to the main home page once you log in ( If you want to subscribe to Bloomberg's newsletters, look towards the middle of the homepage for the content box labeled "Popular Links." Once you've found that, look for the link "Subscribe to Newsletters" in this box.

Selecting this link will open a list of all Bloomberg Newsletters. Each newsletter has a slider-toggle button to the right of the newsletter's name. To add or remove a newsletter subscription, simply toggle the button/slider: Blue to subscribe and Grey to unsubscribe. 

Your current subscriptions will be listed above in the content box titled "Active Subscriptions" and all other available subscriptions will be listed below.

Another way to subscribe to Bloomberg's newsletters is to select the "My Work" tab at the very top right of the page near your account, then select "Alerts." Once you've done so, you'll see an option to "Manage Alerts." After selecting this, it'll take you to a different page, where you will select the "Newsletter Subscriptions" tab, where you'll be able to go through and toggle the button/slider to select what newsletters you want to subscribe to.   

Please watch the video below or see Bloomberg Law Help Home Page for more information.

United States Law Week & Supreme Court Today

While no longer available in print, "The Supreme Court Today" section of the "United States Law Week" is still available as a PDF download from Bloomberg Law. For access, go to the "United States Law Week" home page, which you can find by searching in the Bloomberg Law search bar. Once on the United States Law Week's homepage, scroll down until you see a row of content labeled "Supreme Court Today." You will see several of the most recent issues listed. To find older issues, click the "View More" link.

Once you have found the issue of the "Supreme Court Today" you want, open it to view the full contents. Whenever you open an issue, you will see a header listing the date, volume, issue, and page range for the issue. To the right, is a link labeled "Documents." Under this heading will be a link to the PDF version of that issue of "The Supreme Court Today."

Simply click the link to download the PDF.