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Faculty Resources

HeinOnline Author Profiles

HeinOnline is an excellent resource for managing individual journal publications as it requires very little management. Conveniently, HeinOnline is able to identify and attribute an author to a HeinOnline work and automatically makes an Author Profile Page for that individual. This page will display a list of that author's works as well as their ScholarRank statistics (this is their scholarly impact ranking, based on a number of factors, all relative to other authors in HeinOnline.)


By creating a MyHein account, you can bookmark articles, save search queries, set up eTOC alerts and more. Your MyHein account allows you to take control of your Hein Author Profile, which can be a great way to market all of your scholarly work by integrating your Hein Author Profile with your ORCID ID. You can also link this account to your SSRN Profile, or your Google Scholar Profile to highlight works that are currently in progress and other activities. 

To create a MyHein Account, go to HeinOnline and look for the "MyHein Profile" link, located to the top right of the page. Click on it and you will find an option to "Create an Account."

Once you select "Create an Account," you will be redirected to another page where you can register an account.

Once you have finished filling out the registration information, simply click "Register" and you'll be redirected to your account.

 As always, your friendly library liaison is available to provide any assistance or guidance you may require.

Enhance Your Author Profile Page

You may also wish to enhance your Author Portal page, which you can do by visiting this page here. This will allow you to add information to the basic Author Profile page that HeinOnline created for you, such as adding a photo, personal biography, and more. All you need to do is fill out the necessary information and a HeinOnline Support representative will enhance your profile for you. Below is a picture of what the request form looks like. 

If you use the same email address to enhance your Author Profile page that you used to create your MyHein account, you will now be able to use your MyHein account to make any additional edits to your Author Profile page using your newly created "Author Portal." You can use this portal to make changes instead of submitting an enhancement request each time a change needs to be made. 

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