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Locating Resources


Journal Articles

For journal students, this suggested order of the checklist is based on Bluebook rules that often state a preference for certain formats when citing materials. Make sure to follow the Bluebook rules or your journal’s cite checking policies. 

This suggested order is based on trying to find a recreation of the print article online first, then moving on to physical print in the most readily available physical locations. If still cannot find what you're looking for, move on to Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

  1. Check HeinOnline Law Journal Library
  2. Check JSTOR
  3. Check SSRN
  4. Check Google Scholar
  5. Check the law library's catalog
  6. Check UA's university libraries
  7. Use this form for ILL

Below is more explanation about the sources in the checklist above. 



Law Journal Library provides access to PDF versions of full-text legal periodical articles as they appeared in print in the originally published journal issue. Bar Journal Library provides access to PDF versions of full-text legal periodical articles as they appeared in print in the originally published journal issue.


If you know what journal you are looking for, you can also use the search bar, type the journal name in and select the "catalog" option and it will pull it up. 


Hein also provides a great article search tutorial.



Provides access to PDF versions of the full text of many scholarly titles in a range of subject areas, including literature, biological sciences, economics, finance, and statistics. 



Provides access to PDF versions of the full text of many scholarly titles in a range of subject areas. You can use advanced search to narrow results by author, title, keyword or subject (you'll want to look at the network and select modify to narrow results by subject area). You can also use the browse option to narrow your search by subject.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar

Provides PDF versions of some scholarly literature in many academic areas.



If your journal requires the PDF version of journal articles and the resources above do not provide access to the source you are searching for, please check if the law library has the print version in its collection by performing a catalog search for the periodical title (not article title). 

  • If you need assistance locating a periodical item that you found in the catalog, you can find the location in the library where the periodical is kept using the library’s floor maps, the "Map It" option on the items catalog page, or you can ask for help at the circulation desk.
  • Any and all materials from Bounds that are removed from a shelf should be checked out, even if only used within the library.
  • If the law library does not have the resource, check to see whether it is available through the university libraries.
  • If the law library and the university libraries don't have the periodical, please ask for help from a reference librarian.