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The University of Alabama School of Law WordmarkThe University of Alabama School of Law

Law Library Orientation

Course Overview

The Legal Research Course consists of six modules.  The first five modules will focus on the overall legal research process using state legal materials.  These lessons will be designed to prepare you for your fall Open Memo assignment in your writing course.  There will be five in-person class meetings, an online review session for the Open Memo assignment, and a special training session with representatives from the three legal research databases you will learn about this semester.

Module Six will consist of three smaller topical units covering federal legal research and will be designed to prepare you for your Spring Persuasive Brief assignment.  Module 6 will be online only, with self-paced content.  There will be an in-person review session covering this content in January.


Course Expectations

This course is a non-graded component of your Legal Writing course, and the Law School Honor Code applies.  Be advised that failure to complete the requirements explained in this syllabus may result in your Legal Writing grade being delayed or held until satisfactory completion.


You are required to attend five in-person class sessions and the mandatory Vendor Training on October 3, as outlined on the schedule below.
In-person class sessions will be held for each of the first five class Modules.  All in-person sessions will be held opposite legal writing sections in Room A112 (near the law school café).  Students that attend legal writing in the morning will attend legal research in the afternoon and vice versa.
Students have been assigned a section, day, and time based on their Legal Writing sections as follows:

 Legal Writing Section





LRW §§ 2 & 4


10:55 am - 11:55 am



LRW §§ 1 & 3


1:05 pm – 2:05 pm



LRW §§ 6, 8, & 9


10:55 am - 11:55 am



LRW §§ 5 & 7


1:05 pm – 2:05 pm



If you have a conflict with your scheduled course time, contact your instructor about attending an alternate session as soon as possible.

Announcements regarding changes in the schedule, adjustments to exercises, and any other notifications will be
made through the law school's email system and via communication tools on Blackboard.

It is your responsibility to monitor communication channels and to communicate with your instructors your inability
to attend an in-person class session, technical issues with Blackboard, or other difficulties related to course
