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How to Use ProQuest Regulatory Insight

Regulatory History View

document view - showing top of document and functionality

In the right column, top, of the document view are links to email the link, print the history, copy the permalink, and share via social media. Underneath those links are links to a PDF of the Public Law, and a link to the legislative history in Legislative Insight.

The left column, top, allows users to toggle between the Agency view, and a date view. Underneath that toggle/pulldown is a list of agencies that have published materials in the Federal Register that pertain to this history. 

In the center column, top, is the information below the Regulatory History filter that can be used to search for specific information within this history, and then the information contained in the Regulatory History.

Summary is information about the public law amended and cited acts, subject terms, enacted bill number, SAL citation and date of enactment. 

Also included are the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) parts affected. In this Summary, the current CFR is shown. Below, included with the Federal Register (FR) articles are the contemporary articles. 

Note: over to the right of the Summary header is a link to close that section, so you can view it, or not, as necessary. 

At the bottom of the Summary information (not show here) is a permalink for the Regulatory History and a link to the Legislative Insight for the legislative history.

agency view showing proposed rules and final rules together

Using the view by Agency (the default view), the final rules and proposed rules are grouped together so you can see the initial proposal and any changes that have taken place in the process.

Each action, or Federal Register (FR) citation may include: the FR citation, the category (proposed rule, final rule, technical amendments, notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) etc.,); a link to the publication details and PDF of the article; the article title and date; the volume number and issue number for the FR article; an (agency) docket*; a RIN (Regulation Identifier Number); the department/agency issuing the article; and the CFR parts affected. 

In the citations, the CFR parts will be citation only for proposed rules and NPRM. For the Final Rules, there will be a link to the CFR that was updated after the rule went into effect. As an example, for the top item in the image shown, right, the rule was published April 7, 1993 and the next time 18 CFR was updated was in 1994, so that is the version of the CFR linked.

*The term docket, as used here, does not have the same meaning as is used in court cases. In this case, the docket number is used to pull together the proposed rules and final rules so that an agency can track the progress. In Regulatory Insight, the docket number is used at the top of the grouping of rules on the same topic, and can also be used on the Search by Number page.  


Regulatory History Filter  


Click on the arrow on the right side of the Filter this history and a box opens up with options.

After you have made a choice in, for example, the FR category filter and selected one category, the Agency filter will only show options for agencies with that category available. 

Once you have checked the boxes and applied the filter, you can also clear the filter individually, or, using the option in the bottom right of the box, all filters can be cleared. 

Find in full text filter

After using any of the filters, the number of matching documents within the history will be listed under the filter options. 

To the right of the number, there is an option to Jump to first item. 

FR (Federal Register) category filter

FR category options will depend on what is contained within the history or other filters you have employed.

agency filter

Using the Agency filter, select one or more agencies with content in the regulatory history. 

date filter

Finally, use the date filter to select date ranges or specific dates, if known.

Agency View

Agency View lists the parts of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) that pertain to each agency. When you click on the CFR section, you will see the Final Rules from the Code of Federal Regulations that pertain to each CFR section. 

filter used in Agency View

At the top of each Agency View, is a filter to search through the results.

Search the full text of the page and all of the Rules listed, search within specific CFR parts, search specific subjects, or filter by date.

agency view showing predecessor/successor agencies

Agency View Summary information shows predecessor/successor agencies. 

Predecessor/Successor link creates links between

  • Agencies that moved from one department to another
  • Agencies that were independent and became part of a department or vice versa
  • Agencies that changed names throughout the years

Note: these links are duplicated in the right column.

Agency View

Just under the Summary is a link to Recent Rulemaking where, if you click on the link, the list of proposed and final rules from the last two years will be returned.

sections of the CFR

The Rules section of the view is organized by CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part. 

Use the left column to scroll through CFR titles and parts and jump to the correct section.   

Click on the Plus to see all of the final rules for each CFR part.

expanded CFR view

Once the Rules Published section is open, view the rules in reverse chronological order. 

agency view sorted by date

Using the Sort By (upper left corner of the image) users can sort by more recent first, oldest first or CFR part.

Using a date sort, users can see the activity from with a year.