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Booking an Item

Instructions on how to book equipment.

How to Book an Item

  1. From the public booking page, select the Location you want to browse.
  • Each location will have different categories of equipment.
  • You can use the Category dropdown to filter to a specific category.
  • Or, use the search box to search for a specific item.
  1. Once you've located the item you want to book, click on the Availability link for that item to view when it is available.
    1. Or, click on the More details link for that item. This will take you to the item record, where you can view the item's description, instructions, and availability.
  2. In the availability table, green cells indicate when the item is available to be booked. When you click on a time slot, this will serve as the start time for your booking.
    1. Use the Go To Date button to view availability times on a specific date.
    2. Use the Back and Forward buttons to navigate between date periods.
    3. Use the horizontal scroll bar to view availability times in the current date period.
  3. Once you've selected an item, select an end time for the booking.
    1. To cancel this item, click on the Delete button.
  4. Click on the Add to Cart button to add the item to your booking and keep browsing the catalog. (Note: if you add additional items or rooms to your cart, they must have the same location and start time as the first item.)
    1. Or, if you're ready to checkout, click on the Add to Cart & Checkout button.
  5. After selecting additional items, click on the Checkout button in the upper right corner of the page. This button will also indicate how many items are currently in your cart.
  6. Review the terms & conditions for the space.
  7. Click the Continue button.
    1. You can also add additional items by clicking the Make Another Booking button.
  8. Fill out the booking form.
  9. Click the Submit My Booking button. The patron will receive a notification email to confirm the booking. 

Example of adding items to the cart

Example of an item's terms and conditions

Example of submitting the booking form