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Legal Writing - Scholarly and Professional

Academic Integrity and Plagarism

As a member of the University of Alabama, all law students are expected to uphold the Capstone Creed and abide by the Student Handbook. The Student Handbook gives several examples of academic misconduct:

  • Using the words or ideas of another without proper attribution.
  • Submitting substantially the same work for academic credit in more than one course or activity for which academic credit is awarded without the express advance permission from the relevant instructors or advisors.

The University has a robust list of resources about Academic Integrity for students.

Tips for Avoiding Plagarism

  • If you use another person's idea, data, or organizational structure, give that person credit for their work.
  • Do not cite any source you did not use.
  • Keep a record of the URL, date, and time you retrieved the information from online sources. You will need this information to cite your sources.
  • Use a citation manager, writing organization software, or research log to record quotations that you plan to use later. See the Organizing your Research Page for more information about these resources.
  • Be sure to use proper citation forms for inline quotations, block quotations, or short citations.
  • When in doubt, cite.

Resources Regarding Plagarism